Monday, August 11, 2014

Introducing Tipsy Gypsy Art Co

Discovery, sharing, learning new things from one another. These are the qualities I love most about the arts and crafts community. I have spent years enjoying my Facebook groups where I get to meet new artists and follow what is going on in the art world. Lurking around on Blogspot to see what kinds of new and unique things are popping up all over has been a favorite past time. 

Today Tipsy Gypsy Art Co is taking the plunge into the online blogging world. Our focus will be reviewing new arts and crafts tools, supplies and in general awesome products. We will be giving tutorials based on these supplies to help new artists and crafters discover cool new tricks they can take and develop for their own use. We will also be reviewing some tried and true processes for new artists that would like to learn how to do certain things. Feel free to send suggestions for posts. If you are looking to learn something specific we can probably help with that. 

We will also be reviewing different places to get your supplies and ways to save you money. Being crafty is all about being innovative. 

Some of the coolest arts and crafts tools were not actually made with that industry in mind. Some things you may have just laying around the house waiting to be discovered. 

So if you love everything arts and crafts from fine art painting, handmade jewelry, scrapbooking, keeping art journals, or sculpting polymer clay, stay tuned for some fantastic reviews, tutorials and everyday musings from a fellow art junkie. 

1 comment:

  1. Mango Habanero (Jalapeno) - Mapyro
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